PMA 9th Anniversary Fes feat YoshihikoFes #37
当日は、THE NORTH FACEや菊水酒造などでもFood開発などを手掛けるMountain Hamlet inc代表/プロデューサーのTatsuya Fujiwara氏の豪華ケータリングに加え、弊社の現メンバーによるDJで来場者におもてなし。
また、2019年スミクラ株式会社製造監修の下立ち上げたライフスタイルブランド『SUMIKURA UNIV.』の展示。
来場者にお土産として、KEE FACTORYの安田氏が手がけたオリジナルポーチや、PMAのロゴ入りマカロンなどをご提供。
Just before the days of 10th anniversary of establish PMA Inc., under the spirit of further growth, we held a small party for appreciation of our 9years to everyone at our head office on December 19th 2019.
At the day, Mr Tatsuya Fujiwara who representative of Mountain Hamlet inc and works on food development for several companies such as THE NORTH FACE/ KIKUSUI Sake Brewery etc… delivered gorgeous catering foods, an our member entertained all guests by his DJ play.
We also exhibited 『SUMIKURA UNIV.』products that has been started up under supervision by SUMIKURA Co Ltd., on 2019 at the party.
And more, We gifted to the guests an original pouches designed by Mr Yasuda(KEE factory) and special macaroons with PMA logo printed.
Many guests that was much more than our expectation joined the party, the party became really appropriate event for end of the year.